

Unschooling Quotes and Quotes that praises Self Directed Learning

Quotes are a powerful tool to convey complex ideas and insights in a concise and memorable way, making them an effective means of explaining things. So here are some of the quotes I love about unschooling and self-directed learning.


Did you know that Plato himself believed that "knowledge that is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind?"

That's right, good old Plato was against compulsory schooling.

Let us give our children the freedom to explore their passions and learn a…

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Worldschooling Nomads bus

Familie har sagt farvel til hverdagen og rejser rundt på femte år: ”Eventyret er de mennesker, vi møder”

Article about our nomadic life - Interview in the Danish Newspaper Kristelig Dagblad (in Danish)


Familie har sagt farvel til hverdagen og rejser rundt på femte år: ”Eventyret er de mennesker, vi møder” 

Længsel efter mere frihed, overlevelse af alvorlig kræftsygdom og et ønske om at møde nye mennesker fik familien Conrad til at bytte hus ud med bus og rejse ud i Europa. Nu er de i gang med femte år på hjul og har ingen planer om at vende hjem til Danmark

May the sun s…

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Conrad's Media Promo A

Education on the Road - a conversation about worldschooling

In this episode, Marissa talks with Jesper and Cecilie Conrad. This couple has four kids and is very familiar with unschooling and world schooling. If you have ever wondered what unschooling is or isn't, this episode is for you. Marissa learned so much about how to still be the mother of her children but release the control over their education a bit.

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How to Travel Full Time & Unschool Your Children with Jesper & Cecilie Conrad

Interview: "The Conrad family travel full time, question everything, and choose a life based on their core values: love, adventure, personal freedom, and strong relationships. They join Amrit to share their journey to unschooling their kids, questioning what is truly important in life, and showing us that this path to freedom is open to anyone who dares to take the leap into the unknown."

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Jesper - Pam

Exploring Unschooling Podcast #295 - With Jesper Conrad

Jesper shares his perspective on their family’s decision to unschool, which began when their now 15-year-old son tried kindergarten. We talk about Jesper’s move from an office job to working from home and some of the paradigm-shifts he’s experienced over the years due to questioning the mainstream path.

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Journey of One Happy Family

Roxanne Phoenix, fellow worldschooler, award-winning filmmaker, singer, traveler, animals advocate, Kangoo-jumper, vegan & mum interviews Jesper about what made us take the step, how we took it, and a lot more. Enjoy the interview here.

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